Whatever you may have heard about hackers, the truth is they do something really, really well: discover. Hackers are motivated, resourceful, and creative. They get deeply into how things work, to the point that they know how to take control of them and change them into something else. This lets them re-think even big ideas because they can really dig to the bottom of how things function.
Learn and reinforce essential security skills quickly with this straight-forward guide designed to speed learning and improve information retention. With clear explanations, stories, and interesting exercises from hacking to defending you will quickly grasp and use important security concepts. As a textbook, workbook, and study guide for both directed and self-learning, this is the ultimate textbook for cybersecurity awareness and skill-building designed for all high school and college students. Ideal for any classroom or home-schooling.
The Security Essentials series is based on the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) to assure this is the newest security research and concepts and to specifically teach teens in a wide range of technology skill levels.
The best way to learn cybersecurity and hacking is to practice the tools, techniques, and security concepts all together so you don't just learn some tricks that work against some systems or applications but understand the big picture. That way, as the teens grow and technology changes, they are prepared to grow with it.
This is the first step to giving teens the cybersecurity know-how they really need in life. Learn and reinforce essential security skills quickly with this straight-forward guide designed to speed learning and information retention. With clear explanations, stories, and interesting exercises from network hacking to security analysis teens will quickly grasp and use important security techniques. Ideal for any classroom or home-school. Based on the international, professional security standard, the OSSTMM, and expanded to provide for a wide range of technology skill levels.
The hardest part of hacking is the analysis. Most students learn the skills part of security testing pretty quickly, and a few of them are natural hackers, automatically showing the right combination of resourcefulness, tenacity, and creativity. But people need to really practice security analysis to be good at it. And that's what volume two is designed for including lessons in Hacking Malware, Attack Analysis, and Counter Forensics. It will teach teens how to make themselves much safer online as well as prepare them with the techniques needed for a career in cybersecurity analysis.
Whatever you may have heard about hackers, the truth is they do something really, really well: discover. Hackers are motivated, resourceful, and creative. They get deeply into how things work, to the point that they know how to take control of them and change them into something else. This third volume includes lessons in Hacking Email, Websites, and Passwords. It will teach teens to research, learn from their mistakes, and most of all how to make themselves much safer online as well as prepare them with the techniques needed to be a cybersecurity professional, penetration tester, or hacker.
The lesson plan, answer key, and grading break-down of Hacker Highschool's Level 9 course. This Teacher's Guide will help the Instructor cleanly navigate the Level 9 course and make Hacker Highschool an exciting and practical subject to teach. This book aims to support all Instructors, including those who are not proficient with computers, cybersecurity, or the technical aspects of the Internet.
This parody of the Christmas classic has a modern setting, a modern theme, and a modern villain.
So what happens when this hacker takes out electronic distractions on Christmas Eve? What happens when the teens can't post pictures of their presents on Christmas day? Does the town get together and learn the meaning of Christmas? Of course not!
This book is right for everyone with many learning points about hacking, bullying, society, and self-esteem.